Summer Russian Language Teacher Program (SRLT)

American Councils (ACTR)
Almaty, Kazakhstan (Map)

The American Councils Summer Russian Language Teacher professional development program offers current and prospective American teachers of Russian language and culture from schools and universities an opportunity to reach new levels of competency in Russian. The four-week program is designed to accommodate the particular professional interests and needs of teachers of Russian, incorporating grammar and conversation courses with lectures and workshops in culture and civilization, literature, and foreign language pedagogy.

The program will take place in-person and will be conducted by Al-Farabi Kazakh National University in Almaty, Kazakhstan from June 26 to July 28, 2024. All program expenses will be paid for participants. Applicants not selected for funding may still participate in the program if they are able to find other sources of revenue to cover costs. For example, past participants have applied FLAS funding to this program; others have obtained support from their academic departments.

In order to receive funding, applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents and be in-service K-12 or university level teachers of Russian language and culture, or graduate students who intend to pursue a teaching career in the field. In the selection process, preference will be given to applicants who have not been to Russia for an extended period during the past three years, to non-native speakers, and to teachers who play a key role in maintaining under-supported, innovative Russian language programs. Applicants will be selected for funding on the basis of their statement of purpose, Russian language ability, teaching responsibilities, and academic achievement.

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (KazNU)
At least 18 years old, U.S. citizen or permanent resident
Language of Instruction:
Special Features:
24/7 Emergency Support, International Airfare, Single-Entry Visa(s), Overseas Insurance Coverage, Ongoing Logistical Support